1. that

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      Spanish has two translations for the English demonstrative adjective and pronoun "that": "aquel" and "ese." "Ese" refers to something that is not right by a point of reference, but is also not that distant. "Aquel" refers to something that is a great deal farther away from the point of reference.
      A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences (e.g. The cat and the dog slept.).
      1. (used to introduce a subordinate clause)
      a. que
      She said that she wanted to sleep.Dijo que quería dormir.
      A pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun (e.g. she).
      2. (used to introduce a relative clause)
      a. que
      The dress that you saw yesterday was mine.El vestido que viste ayer era mío.
      3. (demonstrative)
      a. eso (neuter)
      Bring me that.Tráeme eso.
      b. ese (masculine)
      That is my ball.Ese es mi balón.
      c. esa (feminine)
      That is my apple.Esa es mi manzana.
      d. aquello (neuter)
      Bring me that over there.Tráeme aquello de allá.
      e. aquel (masculine)
      That over there is my ball.Aquel de allá es mi balón.
      f. aquella (feminine)
      That over there is my apple.Aquella de allá es mi manzana.
      An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).
      4. (demonstrative)
      a. ese (masculine)
      That man is my father.Ese hombre es mi padre.
      b. esa (feminine)
      That woman is my mother.Esa mujer es mi madre.
      c. aquel (masculine)
      That man over there is my father.Aquel hombre de allá es mi padre.
      d. aquella (feminine)
      That woman over there is my mother.Aquella mujer de allá es mi madre.
      An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or other adverbs (e.g. to run quickly, very tired).
      5. (very)
      a. tan
      Big Ben is not that tall.La torre del Big Ben no es tan alta.
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      demonstrative adjetivo (pl those [ðəʊz])
      1. ese (masculine); aquel (further away); esa (feminine); aquella (further away)
      • that man standing in front of you ese hombre (que está) delante de ti
      • that man right at the back aquel hombre del fondo
      • compare that edition with these two compara esa edición con estas dos
      • that one ése; (masculine) aquél; (further away) ésa; (feminine) aquélla (further away)
      • at that time en aquella época
      • that fool of a teacher ese or aquel profesor tan tonto
      • well, how's that leg of yours? a ver, ¿cómo va esa pierna?
      • what about that drink you owe me? ¿qué pasa con esa copa que me debes?
      demonstrative pronombre (pl those)
      2. eso (in near to middle distance) (indefinite); ése (masculine); ésa (feminine); aquello (further away) (indefinite); aquél (masculine); aquélla (feminine)
      • give me that dame eso
      • this is new and that's old éste es nuevo y ése es viejo
      • what's that? ¿qué es eso?
      • who's that? ¿quién es ése/ésa?; (pointing) ¿quién es? (who are you?)
      • who's that at the back in the blue coat? ¿quién es aquél del fondo con el abrigo azul?
      • is that all the luggage you're taking? ¿es ése todo el equipaje que llevas?
      • that's where he lives ahí es donde vive
      • all that about my family lo de or aquello de mi familia
      • that was two years ago eso fue hace dos años
      • that's strange! ¡qué raro!, ¡es extraño!
      • with that she turned and left con eso, dio media vuelta y se marchó
      • what do you mean by that? ¿qué quieres decir con eso?
      • it was a long journey and a tedious one at that fue un viaje largo y, encima, tedioso
      • can you run as fast as that? ¿puedes correr así de deprisa?
      • that's right!, that's it! ¡eso es!
      • that's all eso es todo
      • that's that! ¡ya está!
      • that will do eso valdrá
      • that's enough of that! ¡ya basta!
      3. así de (in comparisons)
      • that high así de alto
      • can you run that fast? ¿puedes correr así de deprisa?
      • that many tantos(as)
      • that much tanto
      4. tan (so, very)
      • is she that tall? ¿tan alta es?
      • he's that stupid he… (familiar) es tan estúpido que…
      [unstressed ðət]
      relative pronombre
      El pronombre relativo that puede omitirse salvo cuando es sujeto de la oración subordinada.
      5. que
      • the letter that came yesterday la carta que llegó ayer
      • the letter that I sent you la carta que te envié
      • you're the only person that can help me eres la única persona que puede ayudarme
      6. que (with following preposition)
      • the envelope that I put it in el sobre en que lo guardé
      • the woman that we're talking about la mujer de quien or de la que estamos hablando
      • the person that I gave it to la persona a quien or a la que se lo di
      7. que (when)
      • the last time that I saw him la última vez que lo vi
      • the day that I left el día (en) que me fui
      [unstressed ðət]
      that se puede omitir cuando introduce una oración subordinada.
      8. que (introducing subordinate clause)
      • she said that she would come dijo que vendría
      • I'll see to it that everything is ready me ocuparé de que todo esté listo
      9. (Literary) (in exclamations)
      • that it should have come to this! ¡que hayamos tenido que llegar a esto!
      • oh that it were possible! ¡ojalá fuese posible!
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      that (strong form) [ðæt] (weak form) [ðət] those (plural)
      Those is treated as a separate entry.
      demonstrative adjective
      1 [+objects/people]
      You can generally use [ese] etc when pointing to something near the person you are speaking to. Use [aquel] etc for something which is distant from both of you:
      (more remote) aquel (m); aquella (f); (nearer) ese (m); esa (f)
      that book ese libro; that hill over there aquella colina de allí; that car is much better value than that sports model at the end ese coche está mejor de precio que aquel modelo deportivo que hay al final; that lad of yours ese chico tuyo; that wretched dog! ¡ese maldito perro!; what about that cheque? ¿y el cheque ese?
      I only met her that once la vi solamente aquella vez
      that one eseaesa;a esa éseaésa;a ésa (more remote) aquellaaquella;la aquella aquéllaaquélla;la aquélla
      In the past the standard spelling for [ese/esa] and [aquel/aquella] used as pronouns (as when they are used to translate [that one]) was with an accent ([ése/ésa] and [aquél/aquélla]). Nowadays the [Real Academia Española] advises that the accented forms are only required where there might otherwise be confusion with the adjectives [este/esta] and [aquel/aquella].
      which video do you want? — that one of all his records, I like that one best
      there's little to choose between this model and that one no hay mucho que elegir entre este modelo y aquel
      2 [+event, year, month]
      [Aquel] is used to refer to a time in the distant past. Use [ese] if you mention a concrete date, month, year etc:
      do you remember that holiday we had in Holland? ¿te acuerdas de aquellas vacaciones que pasamos en Holanda?; 1992? I can't remember where we holidayed that year ¿1992? no recuerdo dónde pasamos las vacaciones ese año; May? we can't come that month because we'll be moving house ¿en mayo? no podemos venir ese mes porque nos estaremos mudando de casa
      demonstrative pronoun
      The pronoun [that] ([one]) is translated by [ese] and [aquel] (masc), [esa] and [aquella] (fem) and [eso] and [aquello] (neuter). You can generally use [ese] etc when pointing to something near the person you are speaking to. Use [aquel] etc for something which is distant from both of you. Note that in the past the standard spelling for the masculine and feminine pronouns was with an accent ([ése/ésa] and [aquél/aquélla]). Nowadays the [Real Academia Española] advises that the accented forms are only required where there might otherwise be confusion with the adjectives [ese/esa] and [aquel/aquella]. Neuter pronouns never carry an accent.
      (nearer) ese (m); esa (f); ése (m); ésa (f); eso neuter; (neuter) (more remote) aquellaaquella (m) (f);la aquella aquéllaaquélla (m) (f);la aquélla aquello neuter; (neuter)
      this car is new but that is old
      who's that? ¿quién es ese?; what is that? ¿qué es eso?; ¿eso qué es?; that's my French teacher over there aquel es mi profesor de francés; that's my sister over by the window aquella de la ventana es mi hermana; that's Joe es Joe; is that you, Paul? ¿eres tú, Paul?; £5? it must have cost more than that ¿5 libras? debe haber costado más (que eso); that's true eso es verdad; es cierto; especially (LAm) that's odd! ¡qué raro!; ¡qué cosa más rara!
      There was a knock at the door. "Is that you, Paul?" she called out A voice he didn't recognize answered the phone. "Is that you, Paul?" he said
      1988? that was the year you graduated, wasn't it? ¿1988? ese fue el año en que acabaste la carrera, ¿no es así?
      and that's that!
      "will he come?" — "that he will!" —¿vendrá? —¡ya lo creo!
      "Did he go?" "That he did!"
      after that después de eso
      after that we packed up and went home
      bees and wasps and all that abejas, avispas y cosas así
      that's all I can tell you eso es todo lo que puedo decirte; is that all? ¿eso es todo?; ¿nada más?; she's not as stupid as (all) that no es tan estúpida como para eso
      "At least she didn't marry him." "She's not as stupid as all that"
      and it was broken at that y además estaba roto
      success usually seems to come through hard work, and physically demanding work at that they were much bigger than me, and there were 6 of them at that!
      I realized he meant to speak to me and at that I panicked me di cuenta de que quería hablar conmigo y entonces me entró el pánico
      what do you mean by that? ¿qué quieres decir con eso?
      if it comes to that en tal caso; si llegamos a eso
      it will cost 20 dollars, if that costará 20 dólares, si es que llega
      that is (ie) es decir ...
      that's it, we've finished ya está, hemos terminado
      they get their wages and that's it tienen un sueldo y eso es todo; that's it! she can find her own gardener! ¡se acabó! ¡que se busque un jardinero por su cuenta!
      How do you like that! He didn't even thank me! do it like that
      that of el/la de
      a hurricane like that of 1987 un huracán como el de 1987; a recession like that of 1973-74 una recesión como la de 1973-1974
      that is to say es decir ...
      that's what I say they all say that
      why worry about that which may never happen? ¿por qué preocuparse por aquello que or por lo que puede que nunca vaya a pasar?
      this is the opposite of that which they claim to have done why should I take such high risks to acquire that which I already have?
      with that con eso
      with that she burst into tears
      that's that: you can't go and that's that no puedes irte sin más; no puedes ir y no hay más qué decir; no puedes ir y sanseacabó
      so that was that y no había más que hacer; y ahí terminó la cosa
      Unlike [that], the Spanish relative cannot be omitted.
      1 que
      the man that came in el hombre que entró; the book that I read el libro que leí; the houses that I painted las casas que pinté; the girl that he met on holiday and later married la chica que conoció durante las vacaciones y con la que después se casó; all that I have todo lo que tengo; fool that I am! ¡tonto que soy!
      But I still miss him, fool that I am And fool that she was, she trusted him! And Martin, idiot that he is, didn't tell me!
      2 (with preposition)
      If the [that] clause ends in a preposition, you can either translate [that] as [que] (usually preceded by the definite article) or as article + [cual]/[cuales]. Use the second option particularly in formal language or after long prepositions or prepositional phrases:
      the actor that I was telling you about el actor del que te hablaba; the car that she got into el coche al que se subió
      the house that we're speaking of
      the film that I read about in the papers la película sobre la que leí en el periódico; the box that I put it in la caja donde lo puse; la caja en la que or en la cual lo puse; a planet that satellites go round un planeta alrededor del cual giran satélites
      not that I know of
      3 (in expressions of time)
      the evening that we went to the theatre la tarde (en) que fuimos al teatro; the summer that it was so hot el verano que hizo tanto calor
      1 (so) tan
      that far tan lejos; he can't be that clever no puede ser tan inteligente
      nobody can be that rich
      I didn't know he was that ill no sabía que estuviera tan enfermo; it's about that big (with gesture) es más o menos así de grande
      he was at least that much taller than me
      cheer up! it isn't that bad ¡ánimo! ¡no es para tanto!
      it is that much better
      that many frogs tantas ranas
      that much money tanto dinero
      nobody should earn that much money
      2 (so very) tan
      he was that wild estaba tan furioso
      he was that upset they were that sorry
      it was that cold! ¡hacía tanto frío!
      Unlike [that], [que] cannot be omitted.
      1 que
      he said that ... dijo que ...; he said that he was going to London and would be back in the evening dijo que se iba a Londres y (que) volvería por la tarde; I believe that he exists creo que existe
      I think (that) they were ariving at three
      Translate as [de que] in phrases like [the idea]/[belief]/[hope that]:
      any hope that they might have survived was fading toda esperanza de que hubiesen sobrevivido se estaba desvaneciendo
      the idea that we can profit from their labour la idea de que podemos aprovecharnos de su trabajo
      ..., not that I want to, of course ..., no es que yo quiera, por supuesto
      oh that we could! ¡ojalá pudiéramos!; ¡ojalá!
      If the [that] clause is the subject of another verb it is usual to translate [that] as [el que] rather than [que] especially if it starts the sentence:
      that he did not know surprised me (el) que no lo supiera me extrañó; me extrañó (el) que no lo supiera
      In these cases the verb which follows will be in the subjunctive:
      that he refuses is natural (el) que rehúse es natural
      that he should behave like this!
      that he should behave like this is incredible (el) que se comporte así es increíble; es increíble que se comporte así
      4 (in order that) para que
      it was done (so) that he might sleep se hizo para que pudiera dormir; those who fought and died that we might live los que lucharon y murieron para que nosotros pudiésemos vivir
      in that en el sentido de que
      it's an attractive investment in that it is tax-free es una inversión atractiva en el sentido de que está exenta de impuestos
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